Friday, March 4, 2011

Mountain Walk Rock Scrambliing

So every time we have outdoor pursuits I think I like that days activity the best. When finishing the activity of the day, I always think to myself, "There is no way this activity can be topped". And then the next week, it is even more amazing then the last So far, every activity has been my favorite! This "class" is so much fun, although I'm not quite sure how it can be called a class. Just like out instructor, Llion, has a hard time calling it "work".

This week, we knew what we would be doing because two students had to switch days. So, to make sure there wouldn't be any repeats, Tuesday and Thursday groups did the same activity. I saw some pictures posted on facebook from Tuesdays group and knew we would be "mountain climbing". Now, I put it in quotes because it isn't your typical mountain climbing around here. There is no need for ropes because there is nothing that intense. My pictures may make it look pretty intense but it could all be completely be done just using your arms and legs.

We were the leaders of the day. We took turns finding th best path and Llion just made sure we didn't lead each other to our deaths. The first part of the day was us going through plant life and a few rocks. As we progressed up the mountain it got more rocky and less plant life. We even saw a baby mountain goat. It was so cute! We would stop every 10 minutes or so to catch our breath, but we kept climbing higher and higher. Our goal was to get to the summit by lunch time. As we got higher the rock formations got more difficult and it took a lot of concentration and patients to make sure we navigated successfully. We just took our time and helped each other along. We spotted and fielded the person in front of us to make sure they didn't fall and to make sure it was safe for us to move on. Llion guided us through some of the more difficult spots. I found the harder the challenge, the more fun I was having! The only bad part about the day was the fact that my hands were super sore, but it was better not to wear gloves because it gave you a better grip.

We finally reached the summit and oh was it worth it! It was the most beautiful site I have seen since I have been in Wales. To see the mountain ranges in every direction was so cool. It was such a beautiful day, it was almost unnoticeable how cold it was. There was even some snow at the top, not a lot but enough to put a smile on my face! There were these 2 rock formations at the top called Adam and Eve. There was a gap in between them just over a leg stride apart. The challenge was to jump from one to the other. Now, we did something similar to this when we were on the high ropes course the first week, but this was a whole new level. In the ropes course you were strapped to a cable. At the summit it was just you and a 2000 foot free fall with lots of jagged rocks to break your fall. I told myself if I didn't do the challenge I would regret it as soon as we walked away. So I scrambled to the top of Adam, which was a task in itself. I gained my balance and stood at the edge. It was one of the scariest things I have ever experienced. Balancing on top of the world with nothing to hold on to! It took a minute but I worked up the courage and made myself jump. I get nervous just thinking about it again, thats how scary it was. We had spotters on both sides of the rocks and in between just in case you decided to fall. One of the hardest parts was getting down because it was so high up.

The way down was just exhausting but less of a challenge. We took a different, less difficult path down. We stayed in the sun to help keep us warm. We even got to see the rescue chopper flying throughout the mountains making the rounds. Llion informed us that there was a good chance Prince William was the one driving because that is what he is training to do. Very cool! Also, throughout the day there were these bomber plans going really fast through the valley. Most of the time they were lower than we were and it was so cool. They were so loud and sometimes they were so close it scared the crap out of you!

Overall, most successful day of OP! I had a great time and I can't wait to do some more mountain climbing in the future!

Until next time...


the whole group at the summit

Going from Adam to Eve

Melissa on a difficult climb

Rescue chopper maybe driving by Prince William

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